Well hello! Firstly, Happy New Year! I feel like a bit of a stranger on here. It's been over a month since I've posted on my blog, and not remained completely active on my social media and YouTube channel. What began as a short week off, quickly turned into me being consumed by December.
As you know if you watch my YouTube channel, I absolutely adore filming and creating content, but over December, I lost a lot of motivation and I got lost in the doom and gloom of December. I decided, rather than throwing out a video every now and again, I would take the month off, and resume in the new year. That also means my blog, and my social media. I missed filming and writing so much, so I'm suuuuuper excited to be back.
I guess I'll round 2015 up.. apparently that's what you're supposed to do??
So, the year began incredibly different to how it ended. I couldn't be more grateful. My whole world was flipped upside down twice this year. One of those was the best thing that ever happened to me, and one of those was something that I will continue to deal with in the new year. The first thing doesn't even warrant a place on my blog, but I'm grateful nonetheless. It turns out I'm incredibly strong, and I'm one hell of a woman. (Hey, a bit of self love does no harm?).
The second thing cropped up towards the end of the year. My Dad was 're-diagnosed' with cancer, or 'it came back'.. If any of you have had this happen to someone close in your family, you'll know it's not fun to deal with. My Dad is the most inspirational man in my life, and even through intensive treatment, he manages to do everything he was able to do, and keeps the family, family.
This also taught me how strong I am.
I made SO many new friendships this year. One was a 'resumed' friendship, which I am absolutely over the moon with. And the rest were through work. I also got a lot closer with my 'blogging friends' or 'friends' as I like to call them, and spending a weekend with them in a crack-den was delightful. What a better way to bond?? (It wasn't actually a crack-den.. it may as well have been).
The highlight of the year.. if not my life, was my trip to Dubai. My Aunty took me and my cousin to Dubai for a week, and I have never experienced anything more life changing. I matured, (in my opinion), I grew, I became so much healthier in my mind, and that's something that will be with me forever. I can't thank my Aunty enough for giving me that experience, you really can't put a price on good health.
I also found true love.. with....... MAKEUP! I know, I'm awful. But it's true! I found a true passion for beauty, and also the career path I want to go down. I hope 2016 is good to me.
- I want to get in to INCREDIBLE shape. Not 'better' shape, I want to be an unstoppable force. Seriously.
- Drink ALL of the water. Not just 'more' water.. all of it. (Am I an M&S advert?).
- Be more adventurous. I spent a large portion of 2015 in a bit of a 'cage', lacking adventure. If I want to fly to LA for a week.. y'all best believe ima do it.
- Always remember that I'm okay with my own company. I can supply my own happiness, anything else is a bonus.
- BE BETTER WITH MONEY. For the love of God, I pissed money out left right and centre the last few months. Justifying it with 'Oh, I had a bad day', or 'That refund money is in my account now, let's buy shit!', or '`Hey, it's Christmas!'. Girl, no. Get over yourself.
- Be kinder to people. I'm not saying I'm a horrible person, but if you know me, you know I can be a little feisty. I'm generally the Queen of 'being civil', but I would like to kick it up a notch, and try and not want to cut every single person in the face.
- Take good care of myself. No matter what, I want to make sure that I'm okay.
I guess I'll see you guys next week with a brand new post! Thank you for sticking with me.. or joining along! I hope you all have a brilliant New Year, and you all kick ASSSSSSSSSS.
Here goes nothing!